Thursday, January 28, 2010

Fear of Liking Something?

We had the TV on (white noise).  "Hidalgo"  It ended and then horror, "The Dukes of Hazzard".  Still on.  I've never seen the movie.  Was going to change the channel when my ears perked up to a Lynyrd Skynyrd song.  If you've been following my blog, you know I am on a 70's music kick.  "Free Bird" had to be like the anthem of my senior high school year.  Not just "Free Bird" though.  Wow!  "Call Me The Breeze" is playing now.  I was going there.  Back in the day, I bought an entire album.  I listened to all the songs eventually loving just about every one of them.  And that was with having to get up off my you-know-what to turn the record over from Side 1 to Side 2 (or vice-versa).

So why didn't I watch the "Dukes of Hazzard" movie?  Too good for it?  Too much of a snob?  I'd like to think not.  I mean I watched the original TV show when it was on before "Dallas" and "Falcon Crest".  I didn't feel bad about that.  In fact, I'm pretty sure I enjoyed it.  And then there it was.  I think what I really feared is that I would like the movie.  And then I would feel compelled to have to admit that if asked.

Yet in the cold light of day, why should I care if I liked the movie or not?  Why should I care what someone else thinks about me liking it?  How many other things have I not experienced for these reasons?  Would "the Breeze" even give any of this a second thought.  After all, "the Breeze" keeps rolling down the road.  Forward motion.  In honor of this attitude (and my love of Lynyrd Skynyrd old-school southern rock music), we start today's game with, "Call Me The Breeze".  Let's Play!

Video #1, Lynyrd Skynyrd - Call Me The Breeze   (Hint:  Turn It Up and sing along like no one is listening and you are the greatest singer on the planet.  Doesn't that feel good?)

Hell yeah!  Mr. Breeze

Video #2,  Eric Clapton/JJ Cale - Call Me The Breeze (can I just say how excited I am right now to hear Eric Clapton's version of this song...happy, happy, joy, joy)

JJ Cale rocked it.

Video #3, Eric Clapton/JJ Cale - After Midnight

Okay, I am going to admit here and now that I am cheating for the last half of this game.  I really wanted to hear the Clapton/Cale version of "Call Me The Breeze", but I was more interested in hearing Skynyrd.   YouTube is not giving me a related video choice for Skynyrd at this point.  So, I'm going to start fresh.  What?  It's my game.  I can make the rules then change them if I want.  I'm just sayin'!

Video #4,  Lynyrd Skynyrd - That Smell
(could it be the smell of cheating?)

Video #5, Lynyrd Skynyrd - Gimme Three Steps

Well you know I just MUST do the big finale with the song, "Sweet Home Alabama".  I know.  You thought I'd choose "Free Bird".


Video #6,

Wow!  Over five million views of the above video.

Remember in the movie "Cocktail" with Tom Cruise and Bryan Brown when Bryan Brown's character, Douglas Coughlin (pronounced cog-lin) would recite what he referred to as "Coughlin's Law"?  BTW, this movie was blasted by the critics along with the Beach Boys song, Kokomo.  I enjoyed this movie and the song.  I also love the Bruce Willis movie, Hudson Hawk.  It made me come up with one of my own laws.  Bjork's Law: Never apologize for liking, enjoying or loving something (especially if you harm no one else in the process and a difference of opinion is not harm).

When I saw the following, I couldn't resist.  Had to include it as a bonus.  Love this song.

BONUS Video #7, I Know A Little by Lynyrd Skynyrd

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